Tuesday, 7 April 2009

quotes from Hollow Land, Israel's Architecture of Occupation by Eyal Weizman

pg 4

Against the geography of stable, static places, and the balance across linear & fixed sovereign borders, frontiers are deep, shifting, fragmented and elastic territories. Temporary lines of engagement, marked by makeshift boundaries, are not limited to the edges of political space but exist throughout its depth. distinctions between the 'inside' and 'outside' cannot be clearly marked. In fact, the straighter, more geometrical and more abstract official colonial borders across the 'New Worlds' tended to be, the more the territories of effective control were fragmented and dynamic and thus unchartable by an conventional mapping technique.

pg. 5

the spatial organization of the occupied territories is a reflection on only of an ordered process of planning and implementation, but, an increasingly so, of 'structured chaos', in which the -often deliberate- selective absence of govt intervention promotes an unregulated process of violent dispossession.
b/c elastic geographies respond to a multiple and diffused rater than i single source of power, their arch cannot be understood as the material embodiment of a unified political will or as the product of a single ideology. Rather the organization of the Occupied Territories should be seen as a kind of 'political plastic', or as a map of the relation between all the forces that shaped it.

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